
Friday, July 28, 2006

A "Tease" ShirtI found this on tshirthell and immediately thought of the guys on rs.com. You guys are so easily excited.

Lot's of the shirts are downright vulgar, some are disgusting to the point of piss off but..
some are funny like this one

I totally ened tihs one :o)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

and this is why...
I don't do whiney kids.
If the kid doesn't feel well and is whiney, I understand.

If the kid is just spoiled and is whining and 'uhhhnnntt uhhhnnntt-ing' or 'aaaaatttttt ahhhhhh attttttttttttt-ing' at the top of their lungs

I'm at work, it is not a daycare, and that is what I'm dealing with at the moment.

Monday, July 24, 2006

No wonder a lot of people who take Topamax lose weight...it makes food taste gross!!!! Well not ALL food ALL of the time but most food most of the time and you never know which foods and when. Fun, fun. There are 2 things I can count on to be OK all of the time and they are coffee and iced tea...2 points for the Topa peeps. Everything else is like buying a scratch off lotto ticket. It might be winner, it might go to whoever is with me or it might be a complete loss and go into the trash. What tastes good today, might not taste so good tomorrow...it's a real dining adventure.
The Death-Ray 2000
That's what we call this look that Puppy Taz gives me during her bath.
and as promised...her new dining swag from Old Navy. I really like the metal bowls because they keep her water very cool. Her old plastic ones, even though we added ice, wouldn't keep her water cool for very long. I had filled out an online survey so I received a 10% discount on my total puchase (a couple of new shirts, a new pair of capris for Lil Taz, a pair of new shorts and a pair of way cool camo capris for moi) so if you squint your eyes, tilt your head just right and use shoppers math I got both bowls and the cute puppy placement for free :o)

Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday Afternoon Stuff To Do Besides Working...
I think I'll do some of Budgyrl's quizzes

Quizzes for MySpace

Quizzes for MySpace

MySpace quizzes

Quizzes for MySpace

MySpace quizzes
So My MeMe Post Was Totally FUBAR'd..
I decided to do it in list form with a new twist, if it's an X and no comment I've left it out to save time/space. I was originally tagged by my friend Danimal.

I miss somebody right now. (My Pappy.)
I own lots of books.

I've tried marijuana. (young, dumb days of high school)

I've watched porn movies.
× I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship. (and I've never had a psycho-ex)
I believe honesty is usually the best policy. (That's why I answered truthfully about the pot question.)

I curse sometimes. (like a sailor but never in front of Lil Taz. I get my hand slapped by her just for saying "Crap")
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.

I need/want money right now. (It sure would be nice to be debt-free)

× I love sushi. (I don't eat fish bait)
× I talk really fast. (I don't think I do.)
I have fresh breath in the morning.

I have long hair.
I have at least one sibling.

I have a hidden talent.(and one that's not hidden anymore...the cherry stem thing)
I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have. (I'm never still, ever)
× I have a lot of friends. (I have my circle and they are dear to me)

I have pecked someone of the same sex.
× I enjoy talking on the phone. (Hate it with a passion but in person, I will talk your ears off.)

I have a mobile phone.
I've rejected someone before.

I currently like/love someone.

I have changed a diaper before.

I have a lot to learn.

I have at least 5 away messages saved.
I have tried alcohol or drugs before

I own the "South Park" movie
I enjoy some country music

I think Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
I am happy at this moment.


I go for older guys/girls, not younger

I love my job(s).
I am comfortable with who I am right now.

I walk barefoot wherever I can. (love shoes, hate to wear them)
I have jumped off a bridge. (and a waterfall)
I love sea turtles

× I spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup.
(I don't wear makeup unless it's a special occasion)
I am proficient on a musical instrument. (I played horn, oboe and piano in school)

I have thrown up from crying too much.
I have been intentionally hurt by people that I loved.

I fall for the worst people.
(I always had a thing for bad boys)
I adore bright colours.

I can pick up things with my toes.
(Mr. Taz says I have monkey toes)

I have ridden/owned a horse. (I used to have 3, Rowdy, Woodtick and Tequila)
I talk in my sleep. (and walk)

I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
I wear a toe ring.

I have a tattoo. (2 of them)
I am a caffeine junkie.

I'm an artist.
I am ambidextrous.

I have more friends on the internet than in real life.

I love hugs more than kisses.

I smoke.

Nobody has ever said I'm normal.
Sad movies, games, and the like can cause a trickle of tears ever now and then.
I am proficient in the use of many types of firearms and combat weapons.

I have played strip poker with someone else before
I believe in ghosts and the paranormal.

I have at least one obsession at any given time.

I can fall asleep even if the whole room is as noisy as it can be.

I would rather read than watch TV
I have pulled an all-nighter on an assignment I was given a month to do.

I like most animals better than most people.

The thought of physical exercise makes me shiver.
I have hit someone with a dead fish.

I am compulsively honest.

I sometimes won't sleep a whole night or eat a whole day because I forget to. (It's the meds)

I dislike milk

I always carry something significant around with me. (sharktooth that I wear on my necklace)
I've pushed myself to become more self-aware and thereby more aware of others.

I've liked something which a majority of people claimed was either bad or weird.

I don't like to chew gum. (I swallow it and don't realize it until it's too late)

I wish people would be more empathic and honest with each other.

I've gone skinny-dipping.

I enjoy burritos

I wish there were a way to erase past mistakes.

I download songs from the internet.
I say random things to freak people out.

Music helps me remember that I am not alone.
I think this survey is particularly long ::snore::

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tonight's the Night...
Mr. Taz and I are going for 4th grade orientation. Yee-haw! Whoopie! Hoo-rah! I'm not being bocephus (Mr. Taz post-imbibing slang for facetious) I'm being serious. We look forward to meeting Lil Taz's new teacher, seeing her new classroom, finding out about what cool fieldtrips are planned and what's to be expected of her for the year. I just hope and pray there's a math cheat sheet for parents. ::crossing fingers:: If not, I may have to check into getting Lil Taz a tutor. Last year, math was a HUGE problem and as we all know it only gets tougher.
A week before school started we received our list of school supplies to buy. Back to school shopping is so much fun. We loved it. Woohoo a Wally World Safari
  • 2 dozen #2 Pencils
  • 2 packs of wide ruled notebook paper
  • 2-erasers 2? are you kidding me? (we got 6...I know my child)
  • 3-spiral bound notebooks
  • 1-3 ring binder
  • 1 pack of washable markers (The thin big kid kind. Not the fat little kid kind..there IS a difference yanno)
  • 1 box of crayons....love the smell of crayons
  • 1 backpack (recycle the LLBean from last year)
  • Gym shoes (Duh...no brainer! Do they honestly have to remind parents of this?)
Cool bean-os we are fini' with back to school shopping!

Uhhh no we aren't...she brought home another list.
  • Nix the 3 ring binder
  • She now needs 8 pocket folders with brads
  • pencil box
  • 5 book socks...wtf? a book sock? (we used brown paper bags and decorated them ourselves)

Anyhoo...Mr. Taz is really looking forward to tonight, he's heard that Mrs. S is one hot Teach that favors mini skirts and high heels. I can so seeing him volunteering to be the Room Dad this year. Since Lil Taz has martial arts class tonight and Mama Taz is taking her I think Mr. Taz & I might just go out for a little Mexican buffet after class. Who knows...he might get a little spicy on me later on tonight. Ole' :o)

Puppy Taz Ain't Happy...
and when Puppy Taz ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Last Saturday, Lil Taz and I took Puppy Taz to the vet. For those of you that don't know, Puppy Taz is a Pug. Pugs are cool little dogs, fun, fiesty, smart and can hold a grudge for days. Back to the vet visit. As you can see in the pic Puppy Taz is quite plump, matter o'fact she is 29#s plump. The vet says that for her build she should weight approx. 23#s so guess who has been put on a major diet...Ms. Plump Puppy Taz. and she ain't one bit happy about it. She fusses because she's not been getting any table scraps (I know we shouldn't have started it but we did) She is quite vocal about it. She 'talks'. It's like a whine/bark/cry thing that we call talking. She's been on Iam's Weight Control for a year but we've been giving her doggie treats like Scooby Snacks for good behavior and for doing her doggie biz outside but no more! From now on she gets healthy treats like baby carrots, raw green beans and rice cake bits (which she likes). She also scratches her dog bowl now because her rations have been cut down, per vet's orders. The problem with that, other than the sound of the constant scratching drives us crazy, is that her food bowl and water bowl set down in a wooden box type thing and her water ends up sloshing all over the tile floor in the kitchen. Water + tile floor = busted ass for whoever walks into the kitchen. I'm getting that problem taken care of Saturday. I'm heading to Old Navy to buy a couple of pairs of shorts for me (YAY!) and while I'm there I'm going to pick up a cute doggie placemat for her and 2 doggie bowls. I'll have to get a pic of her new dining spread once it's all set up fo'sho :o)

#1 problem was weight...we go back in a month to see how she's doing with that
#2 problem was that she has extremely small nostrils
#3 problem she may have an elongated soft palate. This one happens a lot in short muzzled dogs and she has the symptoms. I don't know how many times I've called the emergency vet in a panic because she's gone into one of her 'wharfing' fits.

Elongated soft palates are the most common airway obstruction in Pugs. The soft palate is an extention of the hard palate wich forms the roof of the mouth. The soft palate is supposed to act as a mobile flap to prevent food and water entering the nasal passages during swallowing. An elongated soft palate hangs in front of the airway or falls into the larynx during inhalation.

Affected Pugs will breathe rather noisely when exited. Pugs with elongated soft palates often sound like someone slurping the last of their soda throug a straw. They frequently gag in an attempt to clear their airway, bringing up foamy saliva while eating, drinking, or excited. Dogs with elongated soft palates may have "reverse sneeze" attacks where they appear to be in a great deal of distress caught in a spasm of breathing very rapidly and noisily during inhalation. A Pug can often be broken out of a "reverse sneeze" attack by rubbing its throat or blowing sharply on the nose to cause it to swallow and displace the soft palate. The harder the affected Pug breathes, the more turbulence causes the palate to swell and elongate even more over time.

Problems #2 & #3 can be corrected by surgery and UT Vet Hospital isn't too far from us, if we have to go that route. We're hoping that getting some of her tonnage off will help some of her problems if not...it's off to the bank we go for a loan because we're not going to stand by and watch her fight to breathe when we can do something about it. We can literally hear her breathing in the next room, she is that loud...and snoring...maaaaaan she can rock the house.

Speaking of surgery, you know what our vet told us? I just want to throttle people sometimes. Dr. S told us that some pug owners refuse to have their pugs nostrils opened up because it leaves a "small, pink scar". OMGosh! People are so freakin' vain even when it comes to their pets. I swear someone should staple those pug owners' noses shut....or maybe I should just send Ethel over and have her do the pillow thing.

So, I just got a "Chick Trip" Countdown Email from C...

Ha, ha reaaaaaal freakin' funny. Let me explain this last part. We have some friends that live where we go in Florida and they were telling me about this freak of nature thing that happens during the sunset. (I can be so gullible it ain't even funny) I was told that if you really pay attention during the sunset you can see a flash of light right at the precise moment the sun touches the water. So C and I were watching the sunset with a bunch of other peeps and I was all jazzed up (besides being about level 2 gooed) about catching a glimpse of this flash of light. Matter o' fact, I had been talking about it all day. Give Taz a crazy subject add alcohol...you get lots of wacky conversation and some pretty far out theories. So the moment arrived when the sun hit the water and I saw 'the flash'! OMG! For real! I saw it!...C didn't. Why? you ask...because she had the camera up to her face taking pics of the beautiful sunset. The sunset flash phenomenon is caused by the flash of tourists' cameras...duh Taz.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Today is my Best Friend's Birthday!
Happy Birthday Candy :o) You caught up with me...for 1 month and 29 days.
Candy is not only my best friend...she's my blood sister. Yep, we did the cutting fingers, smooshing them together thing when we were in grade school. I don't remember her not being in my life...ever. I met her when I was 5 and she was 4 (almost 5) and we have been partners in crime ever since.
Mama Taz used to babysit her so she was at my house 9 hours a day - 5 days a week and we'd often have too.much.fun. Common sense will tell you that any time you put 2 kids together for any amount of time that there will be conflicts and believe me...there were conflicts but we always worked them out one way or another. Sometimes there were some major ass whuppings (and they didn't involve adults, if you catch my drift) C and I were both about the same size so we were on even ground :o) We had our "I hate your guts", "I'm not your friend anymore" days but as soon as her mom pulled into the driveway we were already coming up with a plan on how to convince our parents to let her spend the night/weekend. She almost always went on vacation with us to see my oldest brother in DE every summer...those were such fun trips.
We used to have marathon games of Monopoly and when we'd run out of play money we'd make more...yes, we were kiddy Monopoly money-feiters. We could sing the entire Grease soundtrack by heart...and still can. We could go rollerskating every time the doors were open at the rink and were hell on wheels. It's amazing that we didn't end up with any broken bones...I guess we owe that to the jackass skating cops that kept us in the Hot Wheels Jail for speed skating. We were skating jail regs and had to post bail $ a few times at a buck a pop. That wasn't chump change to 2 kids back in the 70's either. You could do a lot of damage at the snack bar with a buck.
Once we got into Jr. High we were divided....I went to one Jr. High and she went to 'the other' school. ::gasp:: Our schools were rivals! She started staying at home, which sucked but hey we were almost grown up and way too old for babysitters. We didn't get to see much of each other but we still hung out together when we could. Then highschool came. I had my friends (which were mostly bums) and she had hers but we still had each other :o) Then....she up and got married! ::thud::
Then...I met Mr. Taz
Then she had a kid
Then she had another kid
Then she got divorced
Then we both started college
Then we started carpooling...Then everything was A-OK and we were together every day!!!!!
Now she's an RN, a single mom of a fine young man who is a Marine and a wonderful young woman who kicks ass (even though she's a Jimmie Johnson fan) and is doing quite well for herself. She is The.Best.Friend.Ever.
We spend time together whenever we can, mostly it's just talking...we go to movies (whatever Lil Taz wants to go see), we swim and every year we go on our Annual Chick Trip which is a T-Total Blast-O-La!
I think everyone should have a "Candy" in their life...I sure am glad I do :o)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

100 Things About Taz
Some of the other Cool Kids have their list so I figured what the hell..I might as well do it too.
  1. I don't ever remember spelling Angi with an e.
  2. I read very slow...like reading out loud slow except not out loud.
  3. I'm dyslexic.
  4. For some reason I don't have too bad of a problem with typing because of it, except with numbers.
  5. I am ambidextrious.
  6. My senior year in high school I took a full schedule of art courses except for Sr. English just to get my gpa high enough to graduate.
  7. Because of the full schedule I graduated with extra credits.
  8. I was 17 when I met Mr. Taz
  9. I met my best friend when I was 5 years old and she was 4 years old.
  10. I splashed water in her face and made her cry in the first 5 minutes. :o)
  11. I wear a medic alert i.d. bracelet
  12. I went to Lexington, KY to see Metallica in c0ncert
  13. I've been in an ambulance twice
  14. My wedding ring is custom made and looks "Elvish" (think Lord of the Rings)
  15. I'm a "Lord of the Rings" nerd
  16. I wear a tooth from an extinct Mako shark on my necklace. It was a gift from my other best friend and I never take it off.
  17. The first rock concert I ever went to was to see Ted Nugent.
  18. I have stopped breathing before...see #13
  19. I believe in God
  20. I was raised Southern Baptist but also attended Mass with my friends.
  21. I rub my feet together when I get sleepy, when I'm going to sleep, and in my sleep.
  22. I'm never, ever still.
  23. I have read the entire Courtneys of Africa series by Wilbur Smith
  24. I was asked to leave a message board because of driver bashing
  25. The bashee...Kevin Harvick
  26. I have started listening to some country music again
  27. I live in the same house I grew up in
  28. I played piano, horn and oboe
  29. I have seen the band Nazareth perform in a small bar
  30. I was only 19 at the time...I was soooooooooo sneaky
  31. My middle toe and the one to the right of it on my left foot are the same length. (that almost sounds like something TL would post)
  32. I have 2 tattoos
  33. I drink unsweet tea
  34. I like my coffee black with sugar
  35. My favorite food is Mexican
  36. My nickname is "Peanut"
  37. One of my best friends calls me "Pookie"
  38. I don't bite my nails....I bite my lip
  39. I HATE wearing shoes
  40. I plan my weekends around watching the races
  41. I get mad at Mr. Taz because he doesn't watch the races with me
  42. I feel guilty if I'm not at work and I'm not with Lil Taz
  43. Being a mom is the toughest but the most rewarding thing I've ever done
  44. I love Lil Taz more than I ever thought I'd love anyone
  45. I collect Kevin Harvick & Tony Stewart diecasts
  46. I also collect alligators & moose
  47. My best friend & I go on a Chick Trip to FL every year in September
  48. I :heart: tequila but I hate beer
  49. I have to take Topamax (see #s 11, 13 & 18) to control Complex Partial Seizures
  50. Up until now I have been too embarrassed to talk about it
  51. My first car was a 79 red Mustang hatch back with white interior and black louvers :thumb:
  52. I tan very easily and have only been really bad sunburned 2 times
  53. When asked about my heritage I answer...White/Native American/Mutt because I'm not exactly sure but I know there's some of the first two.
  54. I detest spiders
  55. I sleepwalk, sleeptalk and have nightmares
  56. I often just bust out laughing because sometimes I think funny things :o)
  57. I have been on a cruise once and didn't like it because I didn't cotton to the 'trapped' feeling
  58. I like to smoke cigars
  59. I also like to sip good bourbon
  60. I'm really grouchy when I first wake up
  61. I turn back into sweet Taz in between 9 and 10 a.m.
  62. My favorite TV show is "House"
  63. My favorite movies are "Beetlejuice" and "The Godfather"
  64. I have worked at the same place for 17 years (-6 months..temporary loss of sanity when I took a job at a Gastro's office)
  65. I worked at two other print shops at the same time for two years before this one
  66. I dated a guy I worked with at one of the shops (Mr. Taz & I broke up for a while)
  67. I met one of my best friends on teh internets
  68. I enjoy talking to older people, you can learn so much from them
  69. I met an older couple at the beach last year that I call Mamaw and Papaw...they're staying next door to us this year and I can't wait to see them again :o)
  70. I love to deer hunt, turkey hunt and treerat hunt.
  71. I killed my first deer when I was pregnant with Lil Taz...how redneck is that?
  72. I don't like steak, shrimp, lobster or oysters
  73. I've been in two fist fights and they were both with guys...I won :o)
  74. I can't drive a straight shift worth a shit
  75. Coffee flavored icecream is my new favorite
  76. I have finally become a really good cook
  77. I have 2 older brothers, one is 18 years older and the other is 20 years older
  78. I think I enjoy watching cartoons just as much as Lil Taz
  79. I have an extremely hard time staying on task
  80. I wish Pappy could have seen Lil Taz
  81. I wore braces for almost 2 years...I didn't wear my retainer 1 day but my teeth still look gorgeous
  82. I brush my teeth at least twice a day
  83. I floss twice a day..sometimes more
  84. I once went 10 years between dentist visits and it still just took 30 mins to clean my teeth and Look Mom..NO cavaties!!!!
  85. I'm allergic to bees
  86. I love flowers but I don't have a green thumb
  87. I have probably seen the movie "Jaws" one hundred and eleventy-one times
  88. I craved onions and Sweet Tarts when I was pregnant with Lil Taz
  89. I text message with my best friend off and on all day
  90. I used to have an Appaloosa (Woodtick), a Quarter Horse (Rowdy) and a part App part Arabian (Tequila)
  91. I miss riding more than I let on
  92. We used to have a small farm full of pigs, horses, rabbits, pigeons, pygmy goats and bantam chickens
  93. I have helped put up hay and tobacco...that's some hardass work too.
  94. I can drive a tractor
  95. I cast left handed which drives all the other people in the boat crazy
  96. I love the smell of fresh cut hay and bondo
  97. I have been to Paris and Athens, TN
  98. I once played Rock, Paper, Scissors on the radio for Bristol tix...I lost to a dipwad that beat my Nuclear Warhead with his Act of God. Cheater
  99. I tend to get pissy when Harvick and/or Stewart has a bad day at the track
  100. I kept on task :o)