
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Lunch and a Movie
A while back I started doing what I call "Lunch and a Movie". I bring in a movie and watch 45 mins of it during lunch. Sometimes it takes more than 2 days to finish it but it's a great break from work that I look forward to. I really enjoy horror flicks but I normally don't get to watch them at home because Lil Taz could walk in the room and she really doesn't need to see all the gory/scary images plus Mr. Taz doesn't care for them (I think he's scared). Sooooo I bring them into work and enjoy them here.
Today's movie is George A. Romero's Land of the Dead
It was OK as far as zombie movies go..actually the dvd extras are better. :o\ I think seeing how they do the special effects and make up is cool and very interesting.

Last week I watched Hostel and Wolf Creek. Wolf Creek is supposedly an Australian Texas Chainsaw Massacre ripoff but how dare they think TCM was THAT awful. Even TCM 2003 was better than WC. Sheesh! No comparison whatsoever. Don't waste your movie rental $$. It SUCKED! The jest of the movie is...1 guy 2 girls have car trouble and they meet a Crocodile Dundee type crazy dude in the barren part of Australia. He offers to fix their car and goes completely psycho once he has them at a secluded mining spot. End.of.story.
Hostel started out slow but once it go cranked up I thought that it may be an OK movie. Lots of T&A so that's a plus for the men. 2 dorky looking lead guys and 1 OK to look at guy for the chicks...no real eyecandy girls, sorry. Here's the cliffnotes...3 guys are backpacking they go to a Hostel where the chicks are wild and into casual sex. 1 by 1 the guys, who think with the wrong head, start disappearing. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that their chicks are in on it. The girls are 'selling' the guys to Elite Hunting Club, where they get extra $$ for Americans. The 'hunters' in this movie come up with some sick and disgusting ways to kill their victims. This is one movie that completely grossed me out and it was very sick. I had to stop watching it so I have no idea how it ended and I don't really want to know.
Maybe next week I'll pick a GOOD movie. :o\

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

OK...now on to some happy stuff.
  • In 5 months my best friend and I are heading back down to FL for our Annual Chick Trip. We always have a blast on vacation. One good thing about working overtime is extra $$ for our trip. Mr. Taz always makes sure I have enough $ but it's kinda nice to have a little extra. :o)
  • Last night Lil Taz cracked me up. I was getting her hair brushed out when she said "Mom, we have a problem" I immediately thought oh crap. She informed me that Dakota, an adorable but ornery kid she's known since Kindergarten, told her "I ::draw heart in the air:: you" on the playground. How cute is THAT? So what's the problem? She told him..."Ohhh GREAT! That makes 3 boys that are after me" ::giggle::
  • I had a Sonic Reeses Blast for lunch by granny!!! And it was sooooooooooooo good. :o) I'm still on my diet but with the way I feel I figured icecream might help :o)
  • Sonic's ice always makes me smile. Their ice is like little ice pebbles (I had a tea too) :o)
  • Mr. Taz called me just to check on me :o)
  • Mr. Taz called back to see if I wanted him to lay out some spaghetti. I cook tons so I can freeze some then eat it later. Same goes with lasagna :o)
  • Moderate comments kicks ass...I got the pow-a (imagine a breakdancer)
  • My boss/friend bought me new candle and it smells exactly like fresh honeydew :o)
  • It looks like it's going to rain later...hopefully I'll get some good sleep in :o)
I just need a moment...
to catch my breath.
It's been a busy week or two. I like busy but I don't like so busy that I can't do things that I want to do and to top it off I haven't been feeling well. I have no idea what's going on but I do know that I don't flippin' like it.
Here's what my weekdays have been like...
5:00 Rise and stumble. I never shine...I'm a full fledged grouchy-assed Tazmanian Devil until 9:30ish
5:30 Shower which doesn't help wake me up unless I shower in freezing water
6:00 Pack lunches for myself and Lil Taz. This has gotten easier because I pack her snacks and chips for the whole week on Sundays
7:00 I'm out the door
7:30 Start working
5:00 Head home
6:00 Fix supper then clean up the kitchen
7:00 Help Lil Taz with her homework
7:30-8:00 Get Lil Taz ready for bed
8:30 Bedtime for the Lil one
9:00-9:30 Bedtime for me IF I'm lucky.
As you can see I have no 'me' time except for the 30 mins of coffee time each morning. I'm not used to no 'me' time. This has just happened recently because we're so slammed at work.
Mr. Taz has had to work for the past couple of weekends too which means 5:00 waking time for me, pack his lunch then try to get some much needed rest before Lil Taz pounces on the bed. Unlike TMLS I have a pouncer not a ninja.
I feel kinda down...not only do I have to take my med for the rest of my life, I've had to increase it. Which sucks majorly. I had a bad time on Monday while cooking supper which resulted in me having to lay down on the couch and asking Mr. Taz to finish up. I hate being like that. I feel like I'm taking time away from Lil Taz and that's hurting me worse than anything. I asked her "Are you ready to trade your mom off because I'm sick all the time?" she looked up at me with that sweet, understanding beyond her years face and said "No mom, I love you and I want to keep you no matter what." After that, I sat there holding her in my lap (which is a good trick because she's getting so tall) and cried. I get so angry at myself I could just spit...but my neurologist has reassured me that I did nothing in my wild younger years to bring this on. I'm sure she's sick of having to tell me that because I ask her everytime I talk to her.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Why is it that whenever you itch just about 99.999% of the time it's somewhere that you can't reach unless you're a contortionist? All the way home (I commute 35 miles 1 way) I had an itch right below my shoulderblade and it killed me until I got home and took a hairbrush to it. DIE!!!! ITCH!!!!! DIE!!!!!
Why do some of the littlest things irk me to death some days but don't tend to bother me on others?
What is it that whether I wake up at 4:30 or 6:00 I'm never out the door until at least 7:10?
Why are there SO many infomercials? I was watching the TV guide channel this morning and practically every other channel listed was a 'paid advertisement'. UGH!
Speaking of infomercials...
Do people honestly buy that stuff? (Damn you Lori Davis for starting this infomercial shit)
Why is it that no matter what sized sheets I buy I can't get them to stay on the bed and end up sleeping on the bare mattress?
Why does a wet dog ALWAYS want to sit on your lap?
Why do people buy lotto tickets then don't bother to keep up with them? Note to person in CO...you're a dumbass
Why are some of the most beautiful sunsets after a storm?
Why do bad things happen to nice people? I actually wrote some bloggage pertaining to that back in Nov or Dec.
Why do people have different colors of eyes?
Why am I soooo attracted to Hugh Laurie from "House?" Geeze he's a sarcastic mean ol' bastid and yet I adore him.
Am I really morbid because I like to watch horror movies, Forensic Files and all that other jazz?
Why do I chance it and treat myself to icecream when I know I'm lactose intolerant? Note to self.....dumbass
Why is it that I come up with all kinds of neato things I'd like to write about but when I actually sit down to type I go blank?

....and why did my type change colors all of a sudden?

Friday, April 14, 2006

This is pretty neato but it'll drive you crazyFull Sized Image
Rumor has it that there are 74 band name hidden in the pic. How many can you find?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

WHEN YOU THOUGHT I WASN'T LOOKING (Written by a former child)
A message every adult should read, because children are watching you and doing as you do, not as you say.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.
When you thought I wasn't looking , I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say, "Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking."

I wanted to share this with you that do so much for others and think no one ever sees...Little eyes see a lot.
Each of us (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher or friend) influence the life of a child.
I found this site today. Here's some that I liked.

Yesterday on my way home...
I was thinking about some of the things that I have done through the years that I should have apologized for but never did. Or in 1 case I don't remember if I did. Most of these were from when I was in HS (20 years ago), I've always been able to remember some of the silliest stuff. So here's my apologies for all they're worth.
To Scott: I'm sorry that I went out on you when we were dating in HS but you should have known better than to accuse me of something I wasn't doing...because it might come back and bite you in the ass, which it did. My thinking was if I'm going to be dammed for something I might as well do it...and I did.
To Candy: (This is the 1 I don't remember if I apoligized for or not) I'm sorry I threw my toothbrush at you when we were at the beach. I was sick drunk, puking my guts out and you were kind enough to hold my hair back, dab my forehead with a cool wet washrag, take good care of me and hand me a toothbrush while I was sitting on my knees in front of the toilet. I never should have thrown it back at you because you put it in my wrong hand. That was really ugly and I'm very sorry. I love ya Sis.
To Mrs. (Big Bird) Muckenthaler: I'm sorry I came up with the idea to put a dead possum under your desk on my last day of school. It was June and really hot...I should have known how bad it would stink by the end of the day. I guess I should apologize to all the people that were in my class too...sorry y'all.
To Jeff: I'm sorry I let you take all the blame for the possum. You knew my mom and dad would kill me and you were looking out for me. I should have had the balls to admit it.
To Billy: I'm sorry I threw your class ring across the dark parking lot when we had our last fight...naaa I'm not really sorry, you deserved worse :oP
To Joel: Remember the time you ate a whole bar of chocolate Exlax®? Well, I'm the one that rubbed out all the Exlax® logos on top of it so it'd look like a Hershey® bar...I'm sorry.
To Wendy: I'm sorry I never belted you like you deserved for keying my Mustang.
To Sherry: I'm sorry I never kept in touch with you after college. You were such a good friend to me.
To Michelle: I'm sorry for drinking too much Barcardi 151 (I was a rookie) and puking in your new car.
To all the customers I've said "Bitch" to when I hung up the phone: I'm sorry...but if you hadn't acted like one I might not have said it. Your fault actually.
There's tons more, I'm sure, but these are the ones that stick in my mind.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Taz's List of Do-able Guys
I have a list of celebs that I think are hot-t-t-t-t-taaa and very do-able. Mr. Taz knows this and is OK with it because what does HE have to worry about? It's not like I'm ever going to have the opportunity....right? Truth be known he probably has a list too. ;o) What's funny is while "Madding" <~my word for surfing through blogs via blogmad (thank you Ethel) I saw that I'm not the only one with a list of Do-Ables...however none that I saw actually called them 'do-able'. Two of mine are racers...go figure.
5. Elliott Sadler
aka "The Candy Man"...yummmmmy.
I added him to my list just recently. He's let his
hair grow out so he's got this "Sampson" thing goin' on and his accent is enough to make even the strongest of us gals swoon. He's an OK driver, he's made the Race for the Cup 2 years in a row, which kicks ass because I get to see him all dressed up for the awards show...and really...who else could look this de-lish in brown and yellow? Plus he seems so damned nice too.

4. Tony Stewart
Clean shaven or scruffy the man is hot! I even had a dream about he and I uhhh 'bump drafting' a while back and Mr. Taz reap...let's just say he was happy about it :o) Tony is a bad boy and I have a soft spot for them. He's had his share of antics off and on the track but deep down I believe he's a good guy. He does his share for charities which gives him even more hottage points.
I like the clean shaven Tony and the scruffy Tony...scruffy Tony is the hottest. He also seems to have a wicked sense of humor, which I find very attractive in a guy.

3. Gerard Butler

OMGosh this guy is smokin'! He was in
Dracula 2000 (oh shut UP! I liked it) and made the tagline, "The Most Seductive Evil Of All Time Has Now Been Unleashed In Ours" oh so true...Drac you can nibble on my neck anytime!

2. Bo Bice

American Idol runner-up. Awesome looking and awesome voice. He made AI 'Must-See TV' for me all last season. I think the brown leather pants he wore while singing the Allman Bro's Whipping Post pretty much did me in.

1. Sam (Talk to me bayybee) Elliott

No matter what role he's playing, from cowboy to motorcyle dude, this man makes my heart go pitty-pat. He has the most smooth and sensual voice I've ever heard....and those EYES!!!! Please excuse me while I go turn on the AC ::wink::

I have a question...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ten Things
I'm in the mood to blog but I don't have a darn thing to write so I guess it's time for another me-me

10 Favorites
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Time: When Lil Taz first wakes up or when she's winding down...cuddle time
Favorite Food: Mexican - chimis
Favorite Drink: Unsweet Iced Tea - Baitbuckets (alcohol)
Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla
Favorite Place: In the woods by myself
Favorite Sport: NASCAR
Favorite Actor: Samuel L. Jackson
Favorite Actress: Gena Rowlands

9 Currents
Current Feeling: Happy because it's almost going home time
Current Drink: Diet Coke
Current Time: 4:51
Current Show on tv: I'm at work
Current Mobile used: Motorola Razr
Current Windows Open: Freehand MX and this one
Current Underwear: ::checking:: Lime green
Current Clothes: Orange shirt and jeans
Current Thought: I can't believe I just checked to see what underwear I have on

8 Firsts
First Nickname: Peanut
First Kiss: Thad in Kindergarten behind the cardboard blocks
First Crush: Bryan in 2nd grade...he gave me his bluejean jacket which is still hanging in the closet
First Best Friend: Candy and she's still my best friend :o)
First Vehicle I Drove: Billy Eubank's Trans-Am when I was 15
First Job: Scooping Icecream
First Date: Jaycee's Haunted House with Chris Drown
First Pet: A hamster named Lu-Lu that was an escape artist.

7 Lasts
Last Drink: Baitbucket while I was in FL
Last Kiss: Mr. Taz when I left home this morning
Last Meal: Ham sandwich
Last Web Site Visited: Movie Mistakes
Last Movie Watched: Chronicles of Narnia
Last Phone Call: Mr. Taz
Last TV show Watched: Morning News

6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yes but didn't get caught
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Yep
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yep
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire: Yep
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Uh huh
Have You Ever Broken Anyones Heart: Probably, at least I hope I did...damn you Billy

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now: The printing press
Things On Your Bed: Duffell bag and quilt
Things You Ate Today: Ham sandwich, vanilla yogurt, toast
Things You Can't Live Without: My family and friends
Things You Do When You Are Bored: Chew my lip, surf the internet

4 Places You Have Been Today
In my car

3 Things On Your Desk Right Now
purse, smokes, Barefoots biz card holder

2 Choices
Black or White: White
Hot or Cold: Hot

1 Place You Want To Visit

I decided to take a pic today...
to compare with my pre-eating right pic.
Now (-22#s)
Personally, I can't tell much difference between the 2 pics but I can tell a difference in my clothes. This is one of my fave shirts which now fits (and looks) like a "baby on board" shirt. I guess after this spring I'll have to retire it. I also have a full length pic but I definitely look preggers so I'm not going to post that one. My blog, my pic, my prerogative. I'm down 2 jeans sizes and 1 shirt size. So eating right seems to be working for me :o)

Monday, April 10, 2006

what a weekend. This is how my weekend started out. From around 7 p.m. til 11 p.m. we were under a tornado watch. When I left work Friday afternoon the sky was "God's Blue" (as Lil Taz calls it) and the sun was out in full force but it didn't stay gorgeous for long. The storm had already hit Gallatin, TN, was hitting Nashville and was on it's way to the East. In between Nashville and home there are the Cumberland Mountains which most of the time act as a buffer. Storms normally break up when they come across but not this bad boy Supercell.

*Supercell - A thunderstorm with a persistent rotating updraft. Supercells are rare, but are responsible for a remarkably high percentage of severe weather events - especially tornadoes, extremely large hail and damaging straight-line winds. They frequently travel to the right of the main environmental winds (i.e., they are right movers). Radar characteristics often (but not always) include a hook or pendant, bounded weak echo region (BWER), V-notch, mesocyclone, and sometimes a TVS. Visual characteristics often include a rain-free base (with or without a wall cloud), tail cloud, flanking line, overshooting top, and back-sheared anvil, all of which normally are observed in or near the right rear or southwest part of the storm (Fig. 7). Storms exhibiting these characteristics often are called classic supercells; however HP storms (Fig. 3) and LP storms (Fig. 5) also are supercell varieties.

We were in the basement for hours, which was very trying on the old nerves...now I know where that new grey hair (that I jerked out this morning) came from. For Goodness Sake! I'm only 38 and having grey hairs pop up like weeds..this is ridiculous. OK back to the storm...Puppy Taz was going nuts, Lil Taz was upset, I was upset but Mr. Taz kept us all calm. I even calmed down enough to go outside (like a dumbass) and see what was going on. Mind you, it was quiet out and no roaring train so I figured I was pretty much safe. When I looked up I saw the strangest cloud formation. I've tried to explain it to several but I can't describe it exactly like I saw it. There was a flatish shaped black cloud swirling one way and a kinda poofy grey cloud swirling the opposite way into it. It was like seeing a hurricane on radar but from underneath it. Get it?? Probably not, but that's ok...no one else has either. It was past scary but so cool I was mesmerized by it.
After a few hours the tornado warning was lifted, we went upstairs and headed to bed. Mr. Taz sat up as watch until midnight.

Thanks Y'all :o)
Interesting weekend for the Taz family but first I'd like to let y'all know what kind of friends I've met on the internet.
As you may or may not know, I live in East TN...which means we were hit with some pretty rough weather on Friday. I received some emails & pms from some of my friends that were concerned with my family's safety. These emails & pms are very much appreciated. I'd like to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. My friend Ethel even wrote about it on her blog. I can't put into words how touched we all were. On Saturday I read all of them to my family and Mr. Taz, who doesn't know that much about the internet except what he's heard about all the 'bad people', was amazed and very happy. Lil Taz said "Mama, you have some really nice friends" and she smiled. You guys all mean so very much to me. Thank you for being my friends.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm a blog subject thief...
I saw this on TMLSB's blog and thought I'd give it a whirl.
I am: looking like I'm working even tho my boss is at the next desk
I miss: my dad, my friends in Florida and my brother in Delaware
I have: a wonderful family and great friends
I loathe: having to take Trileptal every day for the rest of my life
I fear: something bad happening to Lil Taz
I play: the same CD over and over sometimes, then I'll go to another one and do the same thing
I hear: Metallica playing and the numbering machine
I care: about alot of trivial things that don't really matter
I smile: alot and sometimes because I just think funny things
I wonder: what life has in store for Lil Taz
I poke: Mr. Taz in the back with my elbow during the night
I love: my family more than anything in the world
I mess: up cooking all the time...'cajun' baby
I ache: for hugs from my dad
I think: that I'm an OK person
I always: move my feet, even in my sleep
I am not: as outgoing in person as I am online
I sing: horribly
I cry: easily at sad movies and when someone I care about is hurting
I talk: way way too much
I spill: Puppy Taz's water everytime I open the fridge door
I wish: I could spend more playing time with my family
I keep: having to backspace while doing this
I am not always: wearing makeup
I can: use either hand
I can’t: chew gum because I always swallow it
I write: slanting \ <~ that way
I win: at games hardly ever
I lose: my lighter all the time
I smell: like "OP Juice"
I confuse: people by jumping from subject to subject during a conversation
I need: to learn 4 new programs for this puter
I should: take better care of myself

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'm a new 'mama' :o)
My neo-pet egg hatched into an adorable blue/lavender baby dragon that I have named Draco. How cool is that? I'm now off to adopt another egg. :o)
The Subject of Art
was brought up in an online conversation and I thought I'd share one of my fave artists with you. His name is Thomas Krause and he lives in Nokomis, FL. I have a few of his prints hanging on a wall at home. I have "Snook", "American Alligator" and "Fighting the Odds" print 2. His work is amazing and so realistic. Check him out...you might find something you just can't live without. :o)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In the Past Few Days I've noticed...
My Neo-pet egg is due to hatch tomorrow. I wonder if it will.
That I absolutely love Malt-O-Meal® Marshmellow Mateys which I eat dry.
Marshmallow is spelled with an a and not an e ::blush::
I can fit into 2 pairs of my 'old' jeans
I've met some really cool people online and I consider some friends and not just 'people I've met online'.
My accent is a dead giveaway that I live in East 10-A-C
That I love hyacinth and the way they smell.
That although nothing beats an "I love you" from Lil Taz it sure feels good when she says "Mama, your lap is bigger now" :o)
I still can't watch the new "King Kong" without boo-hooing through the last 30 minutes.
How hard Mr. Taz works so we can have the things we need and quite a few of things that we just want.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Ever have one of those days...
Where you don't know what you want but whatever it is it ain't what you have or what you're doing?
I'm not talking anything deep here, just stuff.
Like...I'm hungry but when I took a bite of my ham sandwich I almost gagged. In the trash the sandwich went. So I popped a bag of popcorn, took a few bites then threw it out for the birds. A few minutes after that I got a cup of Yoplait® Vanilla yogurt out, blech. That wasn't 'it' either. So now I'm even hungrier than before and don't know what I want.
I don't want to work. Sure, I have a few things in my basket to do but I don't wanna. So I figure as long as I look busy I'm OK. I don't want to do any puzzles, I don't want to browse blogs, I don't want to clean up my puter files, I don't want to go to my reg message board, I can't think of anything good to write about... I don't want to do anything. I think I could be perfectly happy just sitting here, resting my head on my hand and staring at the screen with it's blinking cursor....until 5:00.