
Friday, March 31, 2006

Well lookie there...
It's a new look for me, I think I like it. BUT by changing my template I lost the flags...dammit. I might put them back on and I might leave them off, I dunno.

Sleep sweet y'all...I'm outta here!
I did some blogging today...where in the hell did it go?
Honest, I actually took the time to write a few thoughts down, do a few quizzes and brag on how I, with the help of a friend, put flags on my blog representing the countries that have visited. Now WHERE are they? ::patting foot::
It's Quiz Time
You Are 27 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

What Your Sleeping Position Says

You are secretly sensitive, but you often put up a front.
Shy and private, you yearn for security.
You take relationships slowly.
You need lots of reassurances before you can trust.

You're an Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

You Are 55% Addicted to Blogthings

You're a Blogthings fiend - addicted but not totally dependent.
So what if you know your personality type by heart?
And while you may feel like Blogthings is crack...
There are people much worse off than you!

My Week in a Nutshell
Monday - busy
Tuesday - busier
Wednesday - busier than busy combined with puter problems :oO
Thursday - O M Gosh! Let me breathe!
Friday - Still busy but at least I have a few 'me' minutes

It's been a really odd week besides all the busy stuff. It was one of those weeks where nothing seemed to go my way, no matter how hard I tried. (NO, I'm NOT whining...I'm stating a fact)

Work has been wild, the phone has been ringing off the hook and I've come to the conclusion that beyond a doubt we have the craziest customers out there. We've had tons of work to do...I even had to make a list! People believe me when I tell you...I'm NOT a list person. I think they're silly and I like to wing it. In the midst of all the work my puter decided to start giving me fits. So I called my budro, Gregg, to come fix the danged thing. We had to add more RAM and install a 2nd hard drive. Now he's taken a copy of my bazillion fonts and is running some type of diagnostic thingie on them. I'm a font collector and it's really caused alot of trouble. He said I win the award for Most Fonts Ever. :o) Maybe that's not such a good thing...I dunno. Anyhoo, Gregg is coming back in on Monday morning to give this thing it's final tweaking.

Get this...
As soon as he left, I tried to print a job out in PageMaker 7.0...did it print? Hell NO! See I told ya it's been one of those weeks. When I tried to print out a job in Freehand MX it flippin' printed. WTF? So I tinkered around (GASP) with it and finally figured out what I had done...now it's fixed, don't ask me how but it is and that's all that matters.

The other night I decided to cook Mr. Taz a good ol' fashioned suthan supper complete with warp biscuits. I can't make homemade biscuits worth a dime so I made
Taz-style homemade biscuits. While I was cooking the other stuff I forgot all about the biscuits. (Of course...I do that crap all the time) The smell of them charlcoaling reminded me. When I brought them out they were as black as the iron skillet I baked them in. Lil Taz calls it Cajun when I do that. See? Told ya.

Sooo...I was sitting at the table one night this week, trying to help Lil Taz with her math and I was having a very hard time figuring out how to do it myself so that I could explain it to her. I worked for quite a while and when I thought I had it I starting 'teaching' her...how to do it WRONG! I thought HEY! cool I did it!!! But when I checked it with the calculator every single flippin' problem was wrong :o\ She looked up at me with that sweet face, baby blue eyes sparkling and said..."Mom, you'd never pass 3rd grade". Anyhoo, WE figured out how to do the problems correctly. See? Told ya.

This morning I was sitting on the couch watching the news (at FIVE A.M.!) when Puppy Taz jumped up in my lap. Awww how sweet...yea right! She sat there for just a few minutes then jumped down and went back to her bed. All of a sudden this putrid smell hit me....yea buddy, she was guilty of a 'hit and run'. UGH!!!!! See? Told ya

I'm really looking forward to the weekend for some well deserved, much needed R & R. The fact that the boys will be running at Martinsville kicks mega-ass. ::thumbs up:: My boy, Harvick, came in 2nd at Bristol...here's hoping for a win this weekend. :o) Lil Taz and I are going to go see "Ice Age 2" tomorrow. A movie with her is always a blast. She's my bud and I realize that one day I won't be her bestest one but for now I am and I'm going to enjoy every single minute of it.

Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend...check ya later...gator :o)
I Have Something New :o)
Thanks to a good friend named Warren I now have flags from the different countries of people that have visited my small space here on the net. It took me forever to grasp exactly how to make them show up but thanks to his never ending patience he got it through to me. Thank you Warren :o)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Wow, it's been one heckova week and boy am I ever glad it's almost over with. Things have been extrememly busy at work, with it being political printing season and all. We have quite a few repeat politicans and a few newbies this year. Life is good at the printshop.
Last night Mr. Taz took me out to my very favorite restaurant for Mexican food. A Mexican restaurant that has a buffet kicks mega ass. ::thumbs up:: I couldn't eat as much as I used to but I really enjoyed what I ate. They have the best Mama's white cheese sauce in the world and their guac is un-flippin-believeable!
This morning when I got on the scale for my weekly weigh-in (I got on really slowly) I couldn't believe what I saw when I peeked through my fingers....I have lost a total of ::drumroll:: 21 pounds!!!!! GO ME!!! I immediately thought to myself that it was only because I got on the scales so slow so I got back on them and it was STILL - 21#s. Amazing...and just from eating the right type of food and no junk. Well...every once in a while I eat a Snackwell® cookie but a girl has to have a treat now and then.
Mr. Taz is working at the cabin this weekend so Lil Taz and I are both bachelorettes which means we'll get the remote (and probably watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for the millionth time), no cooking for me, we'll have a Cuban sandwich for supper, chat with my buds and buddettes online and I'll get to pooch up on the couch and watch the racing action at Bristol without someone walking back and forth through the room complaining that I watch too much NASCAR. Ohhhh yea I'm jazzed. BUT...
Now it's raining and could possibly be snowing there. Hmpft

Oh before I forget, here's how to make Cubans
French bread
Thinly sliced ham
Swiss cheese
Dijon mustard
Dill pickles
Slice your bread long ways, put the dijon on one side, mayo on the other, ham (not alot but enough), swiss and pickle slices. Put the sandwich together.
Put some butter in your skillet, or if you're eating right like me...spray with Parkay 0-everything Butter
Put the Cuban in the skillet then use another heavy skillet (I use an iron one with a couple of cans of veggies sitting inside it) to press the Cuban flat
Keep the Cuban there long enough to semi-melt the cheese and toast the underside then flip it over. Some people, like my best friend, say a REAL Cuban is eaten cold. Yea riiiiiiite, they're much better pressed.

Oh now don't get me wrong, I'm not going to be a total slothish slug this weekend. I'll clean the house some, vaccuum, change the bed linens, give the dog a bath (she's starting to get that funky Pug smell thing goin' on), cook something totally de-lish for supper on Sunday, and get Lil Taz ready to start back to school on Monday. That reminds me...I have to check her math homework packet. Her teacher gave her HOMEWORK to do during Spring Break! It didn't hurt, I don't guess, and she really has problems with math so it was a good thing but dang...HOMEWORK during Spring Break!
I think I'm starting to get one of those danged Springtime colds :o( My throat is itchy, my nose is rapidly going from stuffy to running like a sugar tree, and my eyes are 'I just peeled an onion' watery. So right now I'm fantasizing about my flannel jammies, chenelle (yes my spelling sucks) socks and comfy wubbie quilt.
Today I'm feeling exceptionally ornery, even for me, so I think if my favorite victim is in the chatroom I frequent I may just have to pop in long enough to get her to say "F you!" Even the smallest things can make my night :o) It normally doesn't take me 3-4 minutes to tick her off bad enough to drop the F-bomb. Since it doesn't take very long and wasn't a challenge anymore I've made a game out of it. Kinda like the kids on "Nanny McPhee", I try to cut down on the time it takes. My ultimate goal is that as soon as I come in the room she drops the bomb. THEN I will feel like I've accomplished my task and I'll be free to go on safari for a new playmate.
Well...the boss lady just said that as soon as the pressman finishes this job we can leave :o) I guess I should get things wrapped up here. I hope y'all have a most wonderful weekend and to my Stalker friends...I might just see y'all at Weezie's.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

It's Play Time...
An "I'm tired of working" time...
A look for things for my blog time...

You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

You Were a Wolf

You have an instinctual intelligence that guides your life.
Your family and "pack" is of primary importance, and you protect them.

Check it out...
I just found something cool for my blog...I adopted an egg.
Yes, my friends...an egg. What will it be when it hatches? I dunno, guess I'll just have to wait and see. If you want to adopt an egg get yours where I got mine
or by clicking on my egg.
You can adopt as many eggs (once your egg hatches) as you want.
I just hope I don't have to feed the thing once it gets here.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Alphabetical Meme Accent: I'm an East TN hillbilly, what da ya thayank?
Booze of Choice
: Tequila, preferably in the form of a baitbucket (check out what it does to your tongue..and eyes)
Chore I Hate: Making the bed
Dog or Cat: Dog
Essential electronics: Computer, DVD player
Favorite perfume/cologne: "OP Juice" by OP
Gold or silver: White gold
Hometown: Podunk, TN
Insomnia: Not really but when I have trouble sleeping I take Melatonin
Job title: Graphic Designer and Mom :o)
Kids: One and she's the love of my life
Living arrangement: Married to Mr. Taz
Most admired trait: Intelligence, creativity, wit, sense of humor...well that's 4 might as well add that I'm very humble
Number of sexual partners: None-ya-biz
Overnight hospital stays: 3. Once when I was a baby, having Lil Taz, hyster.
Phobia: Spiders and clowns
Quote: "All you have to do is decide what to do with the time given to you" - F. Baggins
Siblings: 2
Time I wake up: Between 4:30 and 5:30
Unusual talent or skill: I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Greens (blech)
Worst Habit: Biting my lip
X-rays: My neck, lungs and knees
Yummy foods I make: I've recently really started cooking, like homemade stuff and so far everything I've fixed has been scrumptious
Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Monday, March 20, 2006

Ho Hum
It's another Monday. The Taz family went to the cabin for the weekend and had a great time until Saturday around 4ish.
I had to work most of the day on Friday but Mr. Taz and Lil Taz started their weekend before lunchtime. By the time I got out there it was around 5ish. I was expecting a huge welcome from Lil Taz but she had such a great time with her Dad that she wasn't all that excited to see me...which is OK, I'm glad they had enjoyed their time together. They had rode the atv around the woods looking for turkey sign and had seen a few deer, mowed part of the lawn, went grocery shopping to stock up for our family time and had basically just had a fun time. By the time I had gotten there the temp had dropped down to the mid 30's and the wind was really howling. That blew our roasting hotdogs and marshmellows on the campfire plans so I fixed burgers inside. After supper we went riding 'around the loop' looking for deer and saw quite a few. Lil Taz also likes to go so she can see all the horses. When we got back it was time to put on pjs and settle in to watch "Ice Age" for the million'th time...well not actually million'th but we have most of the dialogue memorized. By 8:30 we were all nodding off. We're real party animals huh?
I was elected to sleep with Lil Taz, aka "The Mule". She's old enough to sleep alone but since she wasn't in her own bed...I gave in. At some point in the night I woke up to "Moooooooooooom, you're hoggin' all the covers" and a knee to my back. By 5:00 a.m. she was fully awake and ready to go, thank goodness Mr. Taz was already up making coffee. Sleeping late is not an option around those 2. I went back to sleep and at some point between 5:30 and 6:30 I decided to give it up and get out of bed.
We bundled up and watched the sunrise together then I went inside to start breakfast, which I don't eat but I cook it anyway, while they went on another deer run around the loop. Before they got back in I had enough spare time to go back outside, drink the rest of my coffee, bust my ass coming back up the stairs, throw my stupid pink fluffy slippers across the lawn (it was THEIR fault I busted my ass),
run lotion on my face where I hit the porch, and finish up breakfast. They ate, I cleaned then it was time for them to go look for a pheasant.
They hadn't been gone lone when I heard 4 shots, then the atv heading back. Poor Lil Taz had spotted a nice long-tailed rooster but had missed him. She was heartbroken so I told her how every hunter misses sometimes, it's part of it. Then...it was time to go fishing. We fished for a little while, didn't catch anything but we still had fun. Around 3:30 we made it back to the cabin and Lil Taz and Mr. Taz decided to go back out on the atv. I was sitting outside on the porch when my cellphone rang...it was Mama Taz. Mr. Taz's nephew had an accident and we needed to get back home. My heart dropped, I felt sick, I was alone...where were they? As if he knew I needed him to get back asap...I heard the atv coming around the corner. When he came up to me, he knew something was bad. All I could do was hand him my cell and let my mom tell him what had happened. Lil Taz and I went inside and started packing our stuff up so we could get the truck and Jeep loaded up and get headed home. She was disappointed but she understood that we needed to get home.
No race yesterday...damn rain.
I'm very tired today, I feel like recycled shit, my nerves are shot, it's raining, work sucks, Harvick is doing shitty...it is NOT a good day. Mr. Taz's nephew goes back into surgery in a few minutes...the not knowing is so hard. Why do people do such stupid stuff???

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A Huge Thank You
to my friend, Ethel for helping out with something way cool for my blog. It works!!!!! woooohooooo

Me? A Slacker?
Uhhh yea... I have been but only because I've been extremely busy here at work (koff) and I haven't had a thing to write about besides losing 17#'s. :o) I don't know why in the world I'm explaining my slackerism to y'all because I started this blog for ME and I already know why I haven't posted in a while...so nix that explanation. I might get back with some pics in a bit.